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National Geographic: "Brain Fingerprints" May Offer Better Way to Detect Lying

  Link Details for: National Geographic: "Brain Fingerprints" May Offer Better Way to Detect Lying
Link Title: National Geographic: "Brain Fingerprints" May Offer Better Way to Detect Lying Open in a new window
Link URL: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/07/0705_wirelies.html
Link Details: As polygraphs become increasingly controversial, sparking a cottage industry on how to "beat" the test, scientists are hunting for new high-tech ways of solving the most ancient of human dilemmas: How do you tell if someone is lying?
Category: Top : Science : Social_Sciences : Psychology : Forensics_and_Law : Brain_Fingerprinting
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National Geographic: "Brain Fingerprints" May Offer Better Way to Detect Lying